Les différentes facettes de mon artisanat d'art
série tv france 2
Karoline Bordas a été conseillère plateau pour que les figurants puissent incarner au mieux les gestes de la maroquinerie de luxe dans la série Made in France. Vous pouvez la voir, ainsi que ses outils, dans les épisodes 1 et 6.
france inter
Marine Baousson teste notre BOX INDISPENSABLE dans l'émission Jusqu'ici tout va bien

Mise en lumière de l'atelier par Miwa Oba dans l'émission Travel Salade

Collaboration avec Hélène Tomas & création de sacs géants en cuir pour la caravane SKODA

Belt workshop organized by the French Leather Industry & the CNC to raise awareness of this sustainable material.
An hour of talk to understand the links between craftsmanship and web development.

Salon made in France
Hand sewing demonstration at the CNC stand
Switching to 19/20 on France 3
Karoline testifies to Luc Bazizin's microphone following the fact that she benefited from the digital check for economic recovery
Leather and ceramics
Karoline creates a collaboration "LIEN" with Jordane Somville. The collection mixes a ceramic braid mounted on a leather cord and was exhibited at the annual leather doors show

Exhibition Boutique Paris appointment
Some of our items that received the Made in Paris label were presented. The TABULA bag was exhibited as part of the 10th anniversary of the Ateliers de Paris.

Manufacto program facilitator
Karoline was a class speaker for the Hermès Corporate Foundation

Crafts Day
Karoline and other craftsmen were invited by the MOF Bottier Hervé Salabert to represent saddlery and leather goods on a hunting estate in Morcerf
Kyoto Contemporary
Invited by the Collectif Prémices to take part in the project, Karoline creates the range of hand-sewn leather goods on which master Takeshi Nishimura exercises his art of katagami.

The Caviar box
Karoline is the guest of Kaviari's culinary box
The Factory
Karoline was invited to talk about her career during the craft days at her former school. She talks about her career change

Publication in Paris capital
Passage on trend xxi of Tv5 Monde
Karoline shows her love for leather (our segment at 10:15)

Passage on bfm business

Paris design week
Our customization of the TOG chair by Philippe Starck in the store window at the Cité de la Mode et du Design

Salon revelation
Karoline represented the saddlery and leather goods industry on the National Leather Council stand at the Grand Palais

Youn Sun Nah
The famous jazz singer and her custom-made In Cute bag

Woman of the arts and crafts
Karoline appears in Albert Lefranc's book which brings together a selection of female artisans

International Cultural Heritage Fair
Karoline exhibited at the Caroussel du Louvre. The show was visited by Carole Delga, Secretary of State for Trade, Crafts

The Student Magazine

Live Paris

The world of artisans

Special workshops 2018
Karoline presented a workshop at the Paris fair on the art of making and personalizing leather napkin rings.

Marriott Hotel
Karoline presented a key ring workshop

Portrait of a young man from the 11th
The 11th in motion